
What is a Commercial Oven: Definition, Types & Uses

May 12, 2023

If you operate a commercial kitchen then you should be well aware of how useful the commercial oven is. Over time, ovens have become associated with cooking of all types, whether they are residential ovens or commercial convection ovens.

If you are looking to open a commercial restaurant or similar establishments, then you need to get the right commercial oven that suits your needs.

What Is A Commercial Oven?

A commercial oven is a high-quality piece of kitchen and restaurant equipment that is used to make the cooking process in a commercial kitchen very much easier. It makes use of a fan to circulate hot air and also eliminate hot or cold spots to give you evenly cooked food.

Restaurant ovens are able to withstand everyday use and they heat up faster than residential ovens while producing higher temperatures. There are different commercial oven types including deck ovens, brick ovens, convection ovens, and combination ovens.

What Is The Difference Between A Commercial Oven And A Regular Oven?

The main difference between commercial ovens and regular ovens is their size and durability. Standard commercial ovens are designed to withstand heavy use and also come with more features than traditional ovens that allow them to cook food economically and safely.

Regular ovens are generally made for home use, while commercial ovens are to be used in catering businesses, bakeries, and quick-service restaurants.

What are Commercial Ovens Used For?

Commercial ovens are used by big restaurants to cook food more consistently and at a lower temperature than you would expect from standard ovens. Unlike your typical oven that offers basic cooking, the commercial convection oven is used to cook food more evenly and faster.

What Are The Parts Of A Commercial Oven?

These are the different parts of an industrial oven;


This is the inside of the oven where your food is placed. Most times, it is made of enamel or stainless steel for heat resistance.

Heating Elements

These are the materials that generate heat in the oven and could either be infrared heaters, electric heating elements, or gas burners.


The fan is responsible for circulating the hot air inside the oven and ensuring even cooking.


This is used to measure the internal temperature of the oven and adjust the heat if necessary.

Control Panel

This is like a control station that allows you to set the cooking time, temperature, and other things.


The door is designed to be durable and sturdy enough to withstand continuous daily use.

Exhaust System

This system is responsible for removing excess smoke and moisture in the oven to ensure a smooth cooking process.


This reduces energy consumption by retaining heat inside the oven.


These are the adjustable shelves that you will find inside the oven, on which you can place food.

Cleaning Components

A lot of commercial ovens sport cleaning features like removable parts and a self-cleaning function.

What Types Of Industrial Ovens Are Out There?

Convection Oven

The convection oven uses a fan for hot air circulation around the food. They have shorter cooking times compared to radiant ovens.

Main uses

  • Ideal for cooking roasting, and baking vegetables, meats, and pastries.

Price Range: $1,000 to $9,000

Deck (Pizza) Oven

The deck oven is a type of oven designed to cook foods evenly by applying heat on all sides.

Main uses

  • Good for baking pizzas, bread, and other bakery products.

Price Range: $2,000 to $15,000

Rotary Oven

A rotary oven is a large oven used to bake various products like cookies, cakes, pastries, and bread.

Main uses

  • They are used in bakeries for high-volume baking

Price Range: $5,000 to $20,000

Conveyor Oven

A conveyor oven is a type of oven that uses a conveyor belt to move the food across the oven. As the food passes, heat is applied.

Main uses

  • Conveyor ovens are ideal for cooking food in large quantities

Price Range: $3,000 to $15,000

Microwave Oven

This type of oven uses microwaves to heat food effectively and quickly. They are mostly found in convenience stores and fast-food restaurants.

Main uses

  • Used to reheat precooked foods

Price Range: $300 to $1,000

Salamander Oven

The salamander oven is a powerful and compact oven that uses radiant heat to cook and toast food.

Main uses

  • Used to toast or broil food quickly.

Price Range: $1,00 to $5,000

Rotisserie Oven

The rotisserie oven utilizes a rotating spit when cooking food. It slowly turns the products to cook them evenly on all sides.

Main uses

  • Rotisserie ovens are used for roasting pork, chicken, and other meats.

Price Range: $2,000 to $10,000

Brick Oven

The brick oven is one that uses radiant heat to cook and give the food a tender interior and crispy crust.

Main uses

  • Used for making pizza, bread, and a variety of baked goods.

Price Range: $4,000 to $30,000

Smoker Oven

This is a type of oven used for smoking foods. They are mostly found in catering companies and barbecue restaurants.

Main uses

  • Used to smoke fish, poultry, and meats

Price Range: $2,000 to $10,000

Rapid Cook Oven

This oven combines the technology of steam, convection, and microwave ovens, which makes them faster than conveyor ovens.

Main uses

  • Can be used to cook a variety of foods including desserts, appetizers, sandwiches, and pizzas.

Price Range: $2,000 to $15,000

Bakery Oven

A bakery oven comes with multiple racks and maintains a consistent temperature, which makes it ideal for baking.

Main uses

  • Designed for baking bread, cakes, pastries, and other products.

Price Range: $3,000 to $30,000

Proofer Oven

The proofer oven is ideal for baking thanks to its controlled temperature and humidity.

Main uses

  • They are great for baking bread and other products.

Price Range: $1,000 to $5,000

Tandoor Oven

This type of oven is usually made of clay and is heated with gas or charcoal. They are mostly used as Indian restaurant ovens.

Main uses

  • They are mostly used for cooking tandoori-style meats, bread, and many more.

Price Range: $1,000 to $10,000

Combination Oven

A combination oven is a union of a deck and a convection oven. It is a specialized oven that uses infrared broil technology and a convection fan.

Main uses

  • Ideal for cooking fish, vegetables, and meats.

Price Range: $2,000 to $20,000

Toaster Oven

The toaster oven is a versatile and compact oven that is ideal for cooking small meals, reheating leftovers, and preparing snacks.

Main uses

  • Great for toasting bread.

  • Also used for baking and broiling small portions of food.

Price Range: $100 to $1000

Cook And Hold Oven

A cook and hold oven acts as a heated holding cabinet and a slow cooker. It cooks at low temperatures with gentle heat to reduce food shrinkage.

Main uses

  • Cook-and-hold ovens are mostly used for braising or roasting meats and vegetables.

Price Range: $1,000 to $5,000

Chinese Smokehouse Oven

This is a type of oven that uses charcoal or wood and circulates smoke around the food for a unique smoky flavor.

Main uses

  • It is used to roast and smoke meats like chicken, pork, and duck.

Price Range: $500 to $5,000

Portable Oven

This is a small compact oven that can be used for cooking in different locations as it can be moved around easily.

Main uses

  • It is mostly used for camping or outdoor cooking.

Price Range: $500 to $5,000

What Are The Different Sizes Of Commercial Ovens Out There?

When it comes to size, these are the types of commercial ovens available;

Full-Size Ovens

These are the most common types of commercial ovens you will find in restaurants and they usually have a volume of about 4 cu. They have the capacity to cook one dozen chicken breasts or up to 7 pizzas at a time.

Half Size Ovens

These types of commercial ovens are exactly half in size when compared to full-sized ovens. They are usually found in cafeterias and canteens.

Quarter Size Ovens

These ovens are smaller than half-sized ovens and can cook about one or two pizzas at a time. They are mostly used in delivery and takeaway restaurants.

Gas vs. Electric Commercial Ovens - How Do They Compare?

When it comes to the power source, your oven can either be gas or electric. The gas ovens are powered by gas lines making their installation a bit harder but they are more energy efficient. Electric ovens on the other hand are more common in commercial kitchens thanks to their convenience and versatility.

Benefits Of Gas Ovens

  • It is perfect for high-output cooking.

  • You don't need to wait before you start cooking as it heats up quickly.

  • It gives better value for money in the long run.

Benefits Of Electric Ovens

  • It helps cook foods more evenly unlike its gas counterpart which could yield uneven cooking.

  • It is easy to install and use.

  • It can be energy efficient.

What Is The Advantage Of A Commercial Oven?

If you get the right commercial oven, you can expect to have the following benefits;

Increased Cooking Capacity

Unlike the residential oven, the convection oven comes with more capacity to handle cooking of foods, which makes it ideal for any commercial kitchen.


There are so many different types of commercial ovens out there like rotisserie ovens and salamander ovens, all of which have their unique advantages and features. This means that there is a commercial oven for every commercial kitchen.

Consistency And Quality

Thanks to the precise cooking modes, temperature control, and the perfect circulation of the heated air you will get consistent results each time. You will get evenly cooked food of the highest quality, which in turn means satisfied customers.

Time Savings

Using commercial ovens will save you so much time in any commercial kitchen as they are designed to cook food more efficiently and quickly. This means that you will have increased productivity in your business and also improve serving time.


A commercial convection oven is designed to handle the rigors of everyday use and would last for a very long time even as it is used by the kitchen staff to cook in large amounts. This is why convection ovens are great investments.

Customizable Features

You can choose to customize the features of your convection oven. For example, you can choose from a range of exterior finishes, rack configurations, and cooking modes.

Health And Safety

Commercial ovens come with built-in safety features to keep you safe in your commercial kitchen. What's more, is that some types of commercial ovens allow for better warm air circulation and more even cooking.

Energy Efficiency

A lot of convection ovens out there are designed to be energy efficient, which means that it is a piece of equipment in your commercial kitchen that does not consume too much energy and could end up saving you some money on utility bills.

Cost Savings

There are a lot of ways a commercial convection oven can save you some money in your business. This is due to the fact that they have a longer lifespan, increase productivity, and reduce labor costs.

Branding And Marketing

Getting a nice commercial convection oven can be helpful in your business's marketing and branding as it is an attractive piece of kitchen equipment.

What Are The Important Factors When Choosing A Commercial Oven?

These are some of the important things you need to consider as you choose the perfect oven for your kitchen;

  • Type of food being cooked: The type of food you cook should determine the oven you go for. Whether you want to cook vegetables, bake bread, or cook other meats, there is an oven for you.

  • Gas or electric model: As you operate a professional kitchen, the type of commercial oven you get should fit your needs, whether it is electric-powered or a gas model.

  • Floor or countertop model: The floor models are larger, have different functions, and can handle continuous output while the countertop ovens are compact and ideal for smaller operations.

  • Size: You should pick an oven based on the amount of food you want to cook at a particular time. You should also consider the amount of available space in your kitchen.

  • Production volume: If you run a quick service restaurant or you wish to cook bakery products in large quantities, then you should go for a big enough oven that can handle the work rate.

  • Cooking time and temperature: Your standard oven cannot cook the same way as commercial ovens, so if you want a more controlled temperature and faster cooking times, you should consider a strong convection oven.

  • Energy efficiency: Before you make your purchase, check how energy efficient the oven is as this can save you some money on utilities.

  • Ease of use and cleaning: It is advisable to go for an oven that can be easily cleaned and comes with straightforward controls.

  • Maintenance and repair: You should also consider the repair and maintenance requirements of any oven you wish to buy as you don't want to pay for too costly repairs.

  • Space availability: The size of the oven you end up buying would greatly depend on the amount of space you have.

  • Budget: Your new oven should fall within your budget and not exceed it.

  • Ventilation requirements: You should make sure your kitchen has the right ventilation system to match the requirements of your convection oven.

  • Control and automation: Go for an oven that gives you controls and options to allow your food to cook evenly.

  • Brand and reputation: Ensure you go for a well-renowned brand to get the best quality.

  • Safety features: Your safety is a top priority in the kitchen, so your oven should have features like temperature alarms, fire suppression systems, and automatic shut-off.

  • Material and construction: The material used in the construction of the oven will determine how durable it is.

  • Accessories and add-ons: There are convection ovens that come with pans, racks, and baking trays.

How Long Do Commercial Ovens Last?

Commercial ovens will last for about 15 years for the electric models, while you can expect their gas counterparts to last for about 18 to 20 years. Ultimately, you can preserve the life of your commercial convection oven by performing regular maintenance.

How Do You Maintain A Commercial Oven?

If you want to maintain your commercial convection oven, then these are the simple steps you should add to your routine maintenance;

  • Always make sure you clean your oven at least one time in a day.

  • Be sure to remove and scrape out any excess food debris found in your oven.

  • You should remove the multiple racks in your oven and clean them separately.

  • Spills and boil-overs are bound to happen, so be sure to take care of them immediately.

  • Use a damp towel to wipe the inside of the walls and doors of the oven.

How Often Should A Commercial Oven Be Cleaned?

It is recommended to clean commercial convection ovens regularly to make sure they function optimally. Clean the oven daily after use, then you can schedule monthly cleaning for a deeper cleaning process.

Where To Buy A Commercial Oven?

If you are in the market for a commercial oven, you do not need to wait any longer to upgrade your commercial kitchen equipment as you can get the best commercial oven and more from Kitchenall. They are trusted by many commercial kitchens for their high-quality specialized ovens for commercial use.


Commercial ovens are very vital when it comes to cooking food simultaneously and evenly. There are so many options to choose from like the cook and hold ovens, rotisserie ovens, and conveyor ovens, which is why you should be well-updated before you make your decision.

Ensure you put into consideration your budget, how much you will use the oven, and the size of your kitchen when deciding which commercial oven to get.


1. Do Commercial Ovens Cook Faster?

Typically, commercial ovens are designed to make the cooking process faster when compared to a conventional oven. This is mostly because of the shape and size of the oven cavity, the insulation of the oven, and the heating element used.

2. What Is The Most Widely Used Commercial Oven Type?

The three most popular types of commercial ovens include standard, convection, and conveyor ovens. So depending on the specific needs of the business, either of the popular choices can be used with the most common types being convection ovens.

3. Do Commercial Ovens Need Fire Suppression?

As a safety measure, it is advisable to install fire suppression systems. What's more, is that the local fire codes require that you install a fire suppression system for commercial ovens that utilize gas like pizza ovens.