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21 Mistakes to Avoid When Choosing & Buying Restaurant Equipment

21 Mistakes to Avoid When Choosing & Buying Restaurant Equipment

January 31, 2024

When embarking on the quest for restaurant equipment, the path is fraught with potential missteps that could impact the success of your culinary venture.

In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the common errors made by business owners in the search and acquisition of kitchen appliances, specifically targeting those in the restaurant industry. Our aim is to equip you with the knowledge to make informed decisions, ensuring your investment reaps its intended rewards. 

What are the mistakes to avoid when searching and buying restaurant equipment?

Starting a food business demands careful consideration, especially when it comes to selecting kitchen equipment. As a business owner, you're faced with an array of choices in commercial kitchen equipment. However, navigating this landscape can be daunting, and mistakes in this process can have long-lasting effects on your bottom line and the overall success of your restaurant. Let's explore the key pitfalls to avoid, ensuring you make the right investment in your restaurant kitchen.

Inadequate Research Before Purchase

Embarking on the journey to equip your restaurant kitchen requires thorough research. It's not just about selecting the right piece of equipment; it's about understanding how it fits into your overall business model.

You need to consider several factors: the type of cuisine you'll serve, the layout of your kitchen, the efficiency of the equipment, and how it aligns with your menu needs.

Before you leap into purchasing kitchen appliances, pause and reflect on your specific needs. Does the equipment align with your kitchen floor plan?

Will it help you achieve the food quality you aspire to?

Think about the size of the equipment, its functionality, and how it integrates with your existing kitchen layout. This step is crucial to avoid buying equipment that may look impressive but doesn't serve your restaurant's unique requirements.

Overlooking the Importance of Energy Efficiency

In the contemporary food service business, energy efficiency is more than just an environmental concern; it's a financial one too. Selecting energy-efficient kitchen equipment can significantly reduce your utility bills, contributing positively to your restaurant's profitability.

When examining potential kitchen equipment purchases, pay close attention to their energy efficiency ratings.

Look for appliances with an ENERGY STAR label or those known for low power consumption. This step is not just about saving money on energy costs; it's about contributing to a sustainable business model that resonates with eco-conscious customers.

Ignoring Warranty Terms and Conditions

One of the most overlooked aspects of purchasing new commercial kitchen equipment is the warranty. The warranty can be your safeguard against unforeseen expenses due to equipment malfunctions or wear and tear.

When you're about to make a significant investment in restaurant kitchen equipment, scrutinize the warranty agreements. Understand what is covered, the duration of the warranty, and how claims are handled.

This knowledge can save you from unexpected costs and hassles in the event of equipment failure. A robust warranty not only offers peace of mind but also reflects the manufacturer's confidence in their product.

Neglecting to Thoroughly Check Equipment Upon Arrival

When your new commercial kitchen equipment arrives, it's easy to get caught up in the excitement and overlook a critical step – a thorough inspection. This moment is more than just unboxing; it's about ensuring you get exactly what you paid for.

Upon the delivery of kitchen appliances, a meticulous check is necessary. You should examine each unit for any signs of damage, ensure all features are as per your order, and that no parts are missing or faulty.

This step is crucial in avoiding future operational issues or the hassle of returns and repairs. Remember, a careful inspection now can save you from significant inconveniences later.

Valuing Cost Over Quality

In the quest for equipping your restaurant, it can be tempting to opt for lower-priced items. However, prioritizing cost savings over quality is a common mistake that can adversely affect your business in the long run.

Investing in high-quality restaurant kitchen equipment might seem like a hefty expenditure initially, but it pays off.

High-quality appliances ensure durability, consistent performance, and fewer repairs – factors that significantly contribute to the smooth operation of your kitchen. Therefore, when making kitchen equipment purchases, it's wise to consider the long-term benefits of quality over the immediate allure of lower costs.

Selecting Equipment with Unsuitable Sizes

Size is a critical factor often overlooked in the purchase of kitchen equipment. The right size is essential not just for the efficiency of your kitchen's operation but also for the optimization of your kitchen floor plan.

Before you commit to any piece of equipment, ensure it fits well within the layout of your kitchen. Oversized appliances can lead to a cramped kitchen, hindering staff movement and efficiency.

Conversely, undersized equipment may not meet your restaurant’s needs, affecting food quality and service. Take measurements of your kitchen space, consider your menu requirements, and choose equipment that aligns with these aspects to ensure a harmonious and efficient kitchen environment.

Not Accurately Estimating Costs and Return on Investment

When you're investing in commercial kitchen equipment, it's essential to consider not just the purchase price but the overall return on investment (ROI). This includes factoring in the equipment's efficiency, durability, and how it will impact your operation's productivity.

Analyze each potential purchase in terms of its long-term value. How will it contribute to reducing labor or utility bills?

Does it have features that will enhance food quality or service speed?

Investing more initially in higher-quality, energy-efficient equipment can yield greater savings and profits in the long run. Thus, thorough cost-benefit analysis is crucial to avoid underestimating the real value of your equipment choices.

Inefficient Use of Kitchen Space

The layout of your restaurant kitchen significantly influences its efficiency. When purchasing equipment, consider how each piece will fit into and affect your kitchen floor plan. Inefficient use of space can lead to operational challenges and affect staff productivity.

Before adding any new equipment, assess your current kitchen layout. Plan for enough space for kitchen staff to move around comfortably and perform their tasks efficiently.

Each piece of equipment should have a designated place that complements the overall workflow. Remember, an organized and well-thought-out kitchen layout is key to a smooth-running operation.

Underestimating Ongoing Energy Expenses

Energy costs are an ongoing expense that can significantly impact your bottom line. When selecting kitchen appliances, it's not enough to just consider the purchase price; you also need to think about the long-term energy costs.

Look for kitchen equipment with high energy efficiency ratings. Energy-efficient appliances, such as those with an ENERGY STAR label, can reduce utility bills and minimize your restaurant's environmental footprint. This consideration is not only financially prudent but also aligns with the growing customer preference for sustainable business practices.

Not Comparing New and Used Equipment Effectively

When outfitting your kitchen, you'll be faced with the choice between new and used equipment. Each option has its pros and cons, and failing to compare them effectively can lead to costly mistakes.

New equipment often comes with the latest technology, energy efficiency, and warranty coverage, but at a higher cost. Used equipment can be more budget-friendly but may lack the latest features and come with a shorter lifespan.

Consider factors like warranty, the condition of used equipment, and how each choice aligns with your restaurant's needs and budget. A balanced approach to comparing new and used options will help you make the best decision for your business.

Not Focusing on Essential Equipment First

When outfitting your restaurant kitchen, it's critical to prioritize essential equipment. This approach ensures that you allocate your budget effectively, focusing on appliances that are fundamental to your restaurant's operation.

Start by assessing the needs of your menu and kitchen layout. What are the key pieces of equipment that your food preparation relies on? This could be ovens for a bakery, grills for a steakhouse, or mixers for a pizzeria.

Prioritizing these essential items ensures that you have the necessary tools to start and run your business efficiently, without overspending on non-essential items initially.

Compromising on Quality to Save Costs

In the quest to equip your restaurant, it can be tempting to cut corners financially by opting for lower-quality equipment. However, this approach can be costly in the long run, leading to more frequent repairs, downtime, and even potential safety hazards.

Invest in equipment that offers durability and reliability. High-quality kitchen appliances may come with a higher price tag, but they tend to have longer lifespans and better warranties, ultimately saving you money and hassle.

Remember, your kitchen equipment is the backbone of your operation; compromising on quality can directly impact the quality of your food and service.

Not Choosing the Appropriate Material for Equipment

The material of your kitchen equipment plays a vital role in its longevity and suitability for your specific needs. Different materials offer varying levels of durability, ease of cleaning, and suitability for different types of food preparation.

When choosing equipment, consider factors like heat conductivity, corrosion resistance, and ease of maintenance. For instance, stainless steel is a popular choice for its durability and ease of cleaning. Making an informed choice about material can lead to better performance and longevity of your equipment.

Overlooking Equipment Maintenance and Cleanliness Requirements

Maintenance and cleanliness are crucial for the longevity and efficiency of your kitchen equipment. Overlooking these aspects can lead to premature wear and tear, hygiene issues, and potential health code violations.

Choose equipment that is easy to clean and maintain.

Regular maintenance not only prolongs the life of your appliances but also ensures they operate at peak efficiency. Implement a regular cleaning and maintenance schedule, and consider the ease of access for servicing and parts replacement. This proactive approach saves time and money in the long run and helps maintain a high standard of food safety and quality.

Not Tailoring Equipment Choices to Restaurant's Specific Needs

Every restaurant has its unique requirements based on its menu, style, and customer base. A common mistake is choosing equipment that doesn’t align with these specific needs.

Assess your menu and kitchen layout carefully. Does your cuisine require specialized equipment? Is your space limited, necessitating compact or multi-functional appliances? Ensure that each piece of equipment you choose serves a clear purpose in your operation, enhancing efficiency and food quality.

Failure to Vet the Equipment Supplier

The supplier from whom you purchase your kitchen equipment plays a vital role in the quality, reliability, and service you receive. Not thoroughly vetting your equipment supplier can lead to issues with quality, warranty, and after-sales service.

Do your research on suppliers. Look for those with positive reviews, a good track record, and reliable customer service.

For instance, Kitchenall, based in Brooklyn, New York, is a reputable distributor of new commercial restaurant equipment. They boast over 3500 positive reviews and specialize in commercial cooking equipment, refrigeration, and display refrigeration.

Their expansive 50,000 square foot warehouse and impressive shipping capabilities, including international freight forwarding, make them a solid choice for equipment sourcing.

Not Evaluating the Equipment's Condition Adequately

When purchasing equipment, especially if it’s used or refurbished, a thorough evaluation of its condition is crucial.

Overlooking this step can lead to unexpected repairs and downtime.

Take the time to inspect each item closely. Check for signs of wear and tear, ensure all features function as intended, and that the equipment meets your operational requirements. This diligence can prevent future operational disruptions.

Not Attempting to Bargain for Better Prices or Terms

Finally, many restaurant owners miss opportunities to negotiate better prices or terms. While it’s important to invest in quality, there’s often room to negotiate, especially when making significant purchases.

Don’t hesitate to discuss prices, payment terms, or package deals with suppliers. Suppliers like Kitchenall, for example, offer a 5% discount on purchases made via check or bank transfer. Such negotiations can lead to significant savings, helping you manage your budget more effectively.

Not Ensuring the Availability of Necessary Spare Parts

A key oversight in the procurement of kitchen equipment is not considering the availability of spare parts. This oversight can lead to prolonged downtime and operational disruptions if a piece of equipment breaks down.

When selecting your kitchen appliances, inquire about the availability and accessibility of spare parts. Ensure that your chosen brands or models have readily available parts, and consider the logistics of obtaining them. This foresight can save you time and money in the long run, keeping your kitchen running smoothly.

Hastening the Equipment Purchasing Process

Rushing the process of purchasing kitchen equipment is a mistake that can lead to poor choices. Hastiness often results in overlooking critical factors such as compatibility with your kitchen layout, energy efficiency, or the specific needs of your menu.

Take the time to research, compare different models, and consider how each piece of equipment will fit into your overall kitchen operation. This measured approach ensures that you make choices that align with your business goals and operational efficiency.

Overlooking the Menu's Demands When Choosing Equipment

Another common error is failing to align equipment choices with the specific demands of your restaurant's menu. The equipment needs of a bakery differ vastly from those of a steakhouse or a fast-food joint.

Your menu is the heart of your restaurant, and your kitchen equipment should reflect this. Choose equipment that not only fits your current menu but also offers flexibility for future menu changes. This alignment ensures efficiency and the capability to deliver the quality your customers expect.


Тhe journey to equip your restaurant with the right kitchen equipment is laden with crucial decisions. From ensuring spare parts availability and taking time to make informed choices to aligning equipment with your menu's demands, each step is vital.

Remember, the choices you make today will shape the efficiency, productivity, and ultimately, the success of your culinary venture.

As you navigate through these decisions, keep this guide as your compass, leading you towards a well-equipped, efficient, and thriving restaurant.